Simple Pricing, No Commitment

Single Job Ad

For small companies hiring for 1 AI job


Get started
  • 1 Branded Job Ad
  • Job Ads Are Live for 30 Days


Most popular

For SMBs looking to grow their AI talent pipeline

$499 /month

Start free trial
  • 10 Featured Job Ads Per Month
  • Jobs Never Expire
  • Branded Careers Page
  • Cancel Anytime


For larger organizations without limits

$999 /month

Start free trial
  • Unlimited Job Ads
  • Unlimited Team Members
  • Jobs Never Expire
  • Branded Careers Page
  • Cancel Anytime

How does work?

Our platform boosts targeted AI talent web traffic to our member’s AI job ads, ensuring they are seen by the right people at the right time.

Register for membership
Signup as an Employer to become a member of our ai jobs community.
Invite your team
Invite your teammates to help manage your ai jobs ad campaigns. Members can also invite external recruiters to their team.
Post AI jobs
Customize your job ad details and launch your AI job ads within minutes. Personalize your branded career showcase page to highlight the AI work at your organization.
Increase targeted inbound AI candidate traffic
Our platform will begin amplifying your AI job ads across our network to boost your inbound AI candidate traffic.
Product screenshot (100% did not use AI to make this image)